Custom event example
This graph how you to setup custom event listener and how to trigger them
HostedAPI Website example
This graph expose a public webpage with html, css and javascript content using the HostedAPI system from the Graphlinq Engine
Chat GPT conversation starter
Create a conversation with Chat GPT and send prompt to it, you can create AI flow based on this template
Chat GPT chatbot hosted API
This graph will expose a HTTP API to create a interactive chatbot for a website, it use the HostedAPI system from the Graphlinq Engine
Uniswap Price Tracking
Track a specific liquidity pool to report the price to a telegram chanel
Dextools with Lua interaction
This graph show you how to use Dextools data from the Lua context
GET HTTP Lua example
This example show you how to perform a HTTP call using the Lua Graphlinq Engine
POST HTTP Lua example
This example show you how to perform a send POST data
Custom Event Trigger Lua
Trigger a custom event node from the Lua context
Telegram Lua Bot Starter
Starter graph to create a telegram bot using the Lua Graphlinq Engine
On-chain Lua data fetch
Using Lua, you can fetch data using on-chain evm contract, this example use the Chainlink price feed contract
Lua HostedAPI example
Create a Hosted API that will execute Lua script to send back a JSON to the client
Watch Ethereum Wallet
Listen transactions for a specific wallet on the Ethereum blockchain
Watch Ethereum New Blocks
Listen every new blocks on the Ethereum blockchain